Rumah Pohon Tree House – THE tree-house in Nusa Penida


Tree-House Nusa Penida
Tropical playground. The most famous tree-house in Nusa Penida: Rumah Pohon Tree-House.

Two travel options: You can see the Rumah Pohon Tree House as THE Instagram picture spot – and it definitely is a hot one – or you can see it as one of the worldwide best places to wake up.

If you like going on adventures, doing this in a unique way and waking up in one of the best spots you´d ever could, then this tree-house experience is made for you, 100%.

Everything you need to know about going to or even staying in Nusa Penida´s famous tree-house: One, two, three here we go!

How to go there:

You are probably already in Indonesia and most probably in Bali when this travel idea pops up. Nusa Penida, in the southeast of Bali, is the biggest of the three neighbour islands (Nusa Penida, Lembongan and Ceningan) with a size of 20km length and 12km width.

From the habour of Sanur (at Bali´s east coast) grab a speedboat to Nusa Penida. It will take about 45min. I went down to Sanur with my Scooter which has been a 50 min drive from the west coast of Bali. You can also go there by taxi, gojek or pick up service from a travel package.

It takes 45 min from Sanur to the island. and an one hour drive from the habour to the tree-house.


The adress: Jalan Pejukutan, Klungkung, Bali, Indonesia.

The set up: Three tree houses and a little reception/shop/restaurant on top. The tree house hat you know from Instagram is the one in the front. It´s the one where you`ll find all the blogger sitting on the stairs to get their perfect shot done.

The interiour: Well the hut is pretty simple what is to expect because it´s a tree hut. Inside is a bed and a fan, that’s it. Of course there is light and electricity to charge your electronic supplies as mobil phones and cameras. For sure on the bed you´ll find two pillows, two blankets and two towels.

When I checked out I was recommending to put some nails in the wood of the room to be able the hang some stuff like the used towels, a jacket or a bag etc. to make it a little more cosy and structured, otherwise everything is on the ground.

Toilet& Shower: There is one bathroom outside for the three tree-houses, only for private use (not for the ones only coming for taking pictures). It´s logged and only the overnight guests have a key. It´s a simple design and cold water only but it´s clean, has a light, there is enough toilet paper and that´s all you need staying out there.

What to do around:

  • driving around with scooter and discover the beauty of the island
  • first hike to and then chill at the beaches near by: Atuh beach and Diamond beach
  • a snorkeling tour (swimming/diving with the mantas)
  • the cave temple

Time frame:

  • getting the speedboat in Sanur at 10:30am, arriving the island about 11:15/11:30, getting a bike etc then driving relaxed to the hut with having some lunch in between at the ocean and some stops because of that stunning beauty of the trail, you´ll arrive the hut around 3pm. Then visiting both beaches (Atuh beach and Diamond beach) and having a chill at one of them. Going back before the sun sets completely because otherwise there is not much light around.
  • if you want to enjoy Broken Beach, Angel´s Billabong and Klunkung Beach you definitely need more then 24 hours. In general the island is big enough to spend a couple of days which is needed if you want to see all the highlights. For me it has been my second time already so I´ve seen these three beaches during my first visit (one day and one night)
  • snorkeling tour is about 2h with four stops / beaches


  • ticket speed boat: bought at the habour for 350.000 IDR (for go & return), if you buy a single ticket it will cost you 200.000 IDR. You can also buy a ticket with pick up from your hotel included which will be a bit more pricey like around 550.000 IDR.
  • just go and see the tree house to get your picture: 50.000 IDR for 3 min of shooting time
  • overnight stay: one night 550.000 IRP = about 35$ = circa 35€ (photos included)
  • a bike for one day is about 100.000 -150.000 IDR depending your negotiating skills (I had mine from 11am first day until 15.30 pm the next day and paid 125.000 IDR)
  • filling up the tank with 2 liter is about 15.000 IDR (petrol station) – 20.000 IDR little shops
  • after leaving the habour they ask you to pay a tourist fee (new!and made by the government) about 25.000 IDR
  • at the entry of Atuh beach and Diamond beach they ask you for a donation (the average is between 5000-10.000 IDR)
  • prices of food depends the venue: you can find a banana pancake for 15.000 and fresh mango juice for 25.000 as same as for 35.000 and 45.000 in a fancy beachclub
  • snorkeling tour / swimming with the mantas costs about 250.000 IDR per person

What to consider:

  • flashlight either by your mobile or an extra one (in best case a headlight to have free hands because the stairs to go down to the houses are steepy)
  • earplugs might be useful if you are having a light sleep because the ocean can be very noisy at night as the waves are strongly and permanently crushing against the cliffs
  • renting a bike is the most fun, you can discover the beauty of the island independently but driving skills are absolutely needed as the island is very curvy and up&downhill, besides some parts where the stret is that much broken that it seems more like a parkour than a road
  • Wifi is only working upstairs in the little café/shop/reception (if you want some connection in the hut you need mobil data)
  • Diamond beach is perfect for pictures and Atuh beach perfect to chill and swim
  • good shoes, in best case trekking shoes even, because there are a lot of stairs to climb which can be very slippery because of all the sand

What to expect:

  • breath-taking landscapes
  • lifetime memories
  • an incredible sunrise (in case you stay overnight) as the sun is rising in the east, so it rises perfectly from over the ocean which could not be a better spectacle
  • crazy roads
  • good streetart around some places (murals by 1up, Quint, Tuyuloveme, Eggfiasco etc)

Personal note:

I didn´t know nothing before I came down there which was also fun and even more adventue but I felt like sharing what I found out to make it more easier for you guys. The better prepared the easier it goes. Well:


P.S. Some more amazing picture uploads soon. Have a look again tomorrow as I couldn´t wait to do the upload of my lines for you today already. The visualisation will follow asap. See you here tomorrow, my lovely adventure lovers. Good night from Indonesia

Note to myself: Get the fck out of my way!

Where to go? This question isn´t about travel destinations. It´s about life and even if you don´t know the answer one fact is: The direction is forward and to get there it´s about moving. Moving is what brings you forward. Standing still brings you nowhere. It´s not about the stillness, stillness brings you even beyond if it´s about the mind and working on it. Here it is about non-movement. Stagnation is a silent killer. And as much as I´m moving from A to B and from C to Z, doing this here and that there, I sometimes feel like stucked, like being captured in a cycle, moving somehow but not making it forward – rotating in that same cycle or let´s better call it: cyclus, because it feels like something that repeats itself. Nothing against cycli as the world and life itself is based on them. The menstruation is a cyclus, for example, which repeats itself every 28 days. The movement of the sun is a cyclus. There are a lot of cycli out there and around us. Well the routine of a cyclus helps to create things like life. It brings stability for development like evolution in the biggest case. That´s why this one isn´t against cycli at all.

But something against repetition.

Daily routine is repetition. That´s an easy thing to see. Doing the same things daily, weekly or annualy is not bringing you forward, except it is about train the mind, the muscles or about earning money which can bring you forward, depending the way you´d spend it. But even to build up this muscles it needs changements in the way you exercise aswell as in the quantity of weights. Stucked in the travel trap I feel like nothing is moving. Waking up in paradise with a feeling of unsatisfaction. Reflecting and analysising it is making me realise that the only one in my way is me myself because nothing or no one else does. Everything else needed like skills, knowledge, experiences and talent is in the game and in their combination a very good hand to play. The only one that is holding me back from playing it is myself.

The solution out of it is to break the habit of being oneself like breaking up with your pattern to transcendent these cycli our lifes are built up on. And even living this cycli gives us feelings of savety it brings us nowhere except down the road over and over and over again. Sure with it comes the stability that is needful to find stillness which is also important to grow. But as mentioned in the beginning this one isn´t against stillness. It´s much more about the thought of breaking the own patterns which might be the solution of moving on further more.

Today I feel like moving.
I feel like breaking through.
I feel like bored by my patterns.
And I can feel that changing habits is a hard piece of work.

But ready for that challenge.
Ready to do that work.
Ready to get myself out of that way.

Ich in meinem Weg

Oder: Meine elf Spieler gegen mich oder auch gerne: wie man erfolgreich nicht-an-einem-Strang-zieht.

Manchmal wache ich auf und alles läuft, die Sonne scheint, ich scheine und alles ist im Einklang. Und manchmal wache ich auf und nichts harmoniert, weder meine Laune, noch meine Gedanken, noch das Wetter da draußen. Und obwohl ich weiß, dass ich jeder einzelne der elf Spieler auf diesem Feld bin, schaffe ich es nicht, diese Mannschaft unter einen Hut zu kriegen. Dabei braucht es nur ein schlüssiges Ziel, eine Strategie, ein paar Kommandos und der Ball ist im Tor. Vielleicht fehlt´s an Training, an Ausdauer, vielleicht aber auch an Technik. Ja, das ist es. Es mangelt an Technik. Denn alle seine elf in die gleiche Richtung laufen zu lassen, ist nicht was wir lernen, wenn wir merken, dass wir eine ganze Mannschaft zur Verfügung haben. Erst, wenn wir es schaffen, ein Team daraus zu machen, sind wir erfolgreich im Spiel.

Und so passiert es, dass es Spiele gibt, in denen kein Ball ins Tor geht, ganz einfach, weil keine Einigkeit herrscht. Einigkeit darüber, was die bessere Taktik und welcher der bessere Spielzug ist. Dass es ums Gewinnen geht, das ist allen klar, doch beim Anstreben des Zieles, behindern sie sich selbst. Statt gebündelt alle Kräfte fokussiert einzusetzen und alle Aufmerksamkeit in eine Richtung zu lenken, laufen sie quer über den Rasen, querfeldein, querfeldaus. Dann stolpert der eine über den anderen, keiner kommt richtig voran, denn sie stehen sich selbst im Weg.

Heute ist so ein Querfeldein-Tag. Wie ich mich fühle? Wie ich in meinem Weg. Wie fünf nach zwölf. Wie viel zu spät. Genug Erfahrung, ausreichend Talent und jede Menge Wissen laufen da auf meinem Feld rum, doch heute tun alle so als hätten sie noch nie zusammen trainiert. Mannschaft? Team? Fremdwort! Keiner hört zu. Alle machen, was sie wollen. Dieses Chaos führt konsequenterweise zur Inbalance der Stimmung. Die ist nämlich so gar nicht da. Ich will im Bett bleiben oder zumindest drin. Allein. Zuhaus. Bloß nicht daraus. Alle blöd! Direkt sind alle da draußen blöd. Wie es auch jede Ungereimtheit schafft sich negativ mit einzustimmen und noch einen mit drauf zu tun. Immer rin in den Pott der Disharmonie. “Macht ´ne Kakophonie draus”, scheinen die Spieler auf dem Feld zu schreien, sich einig wie heute noch nie zuvor. Ich denke okay,  zwei Optionen: mich auf dem Feld von diesen Emotionen und Gedanken unkontrolliert umher schubsen zu lassen oder die Ansagen zu machen, den Elfmeter gegen das Stimmungstief zu fordern und mit der richtigen Taktik den Ball ins Tor zu katapultieren und somit den Sieg einzufahren.

Wie hab ich mich wohl entschieden?

Holi Festival in Kathmandu

A little girl playing with colours at Holi Festival, Kathmandu / Nepal

Red and yellow and pink and green, orange and purple and… all in your face… THAT´S the Holi and yeah that´s FUN! The festival of colours is a good time to go to Nepal. A very good time. In march the spring has already reached Kathmandu Valley, the sun is warmly shining, flowers are beautifully blossoming and with spring the first season of travellers coming to the world´s rooftop begins. Not these kind of travellers that you meet at the beaches of the beautiful islands around the planet. Nope, we are talking about the Himalayas, not the easiest place to travel to and not the easiest to live in either. Life out and up there is rough, so close to the world´s highest mountains. But during all the nepali festivals – and there are a million of them (a bit exaggerated, but almost) – the hard life and all the sorrows are forgotten. That´s the good thing about all the festive dates: the focus is on celebration and the joy of life.

„Holi Festival in Kathmandu“ weiterlesen

BACKPACKING WITH 3OKG – In four weeks through Vietnam

A long story short:

Four weeks. Alone. Not totally alone, it was more a giant bag and me. 10 stations: Phu Quoc, Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh City, Mui Né, Da Lat, Hoi An, Hue, Halong Bay, Sapa and Hanoi. From the very deep down South up to the peaks of the North. Across the country. Countless night buses and so many adventures in a row like never before. If there was an adventure ranking, Vietnam would receive the award! Also super inexpensive. Great backpacker scene. Hostel-Life. Exciting country. Sometimes communication problems, but wonderful people. Favorite food: Bánh Mi, a sandwich that can be bought everywhere on the street. Otherwise not very easy for vegetarians, if one is limited in time and often has to choose from what there is at the moment, where one is in unselected places at the moment, an aspect that travelling by bus brings with it. Because here one likes to eat meat with meat, otherwise vegetable/fried rice remains. All in all: both thumbs up! Vietnam, my friend, I like you. Ergo: I’ll come back, because there is a small list of things I haven’t managed to experience or just want to experience again.

„BACKPACKING WITH 3OKG – In four weeks through Vietnam“ weiterlesen

BACKPACKEN MIT 3Okg – In vier Wochen durch Vietnam

Long story short:

Vier Wochen. Alleine. Eine riesen Tasche. 10 Stationen: Phu Quoc, Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh City, Mui Né, Da Lat, Hoi An, Hue, Halong Bay, Sapa und Hanoi. Vom tiefsten Süden in den höchsten Norden. Quer durch´s Land. Unzählige Nachtbusse und so viele Abenteuer am Stück wie noch nie. Gäbe es ein Adventure-Ranking, Vietnam bekäme hiermit den Award! Zudem super preisgünstig. Tolle Backpackerszene. Hostel-Life. Spannendes Land. Mitunter Verständigungsprobleme, aber wundervolle Menschen. Lieblingsspeise: Bánh Mi, ein Sandwich, das es überall auf der Straße zu kaufen gibt. Ansonsten nicht sehr einfach für Vegetarier, wenn man in der Zeit begrenzt ist und oft wählen muss aus dem, was es gerade gibt, wo man gerade ungewählt is(s)t. Denn hier isst man gerne Fleisch mit Fleisch, ansonsten bleibt eben Gemüsereis. Alles in allem: Beide Daumen hoch! Vietnam, mein Freund, ich mag Dich. Ergo: Ich komme wieder, denn es gibt da eine kleine Liste von Dingen, die ich nicht geschafft habe zu erleben oder einfach nochmal erleben möchte.

„BACKPACKEN MIT 3Okg – In vier Wochen durch Vietnam“ weiterlesen

The lie of the shooting star – The experiment

While backpacking for 3 months in Southeast Asia, I travelled four weeks through Cambodia. A few months earlier I read this article about the thesis that spoke out against keeping the shooting star secret and was 100% compliant with the author. Lines to which I really resonated. Those that made me nod and agree while reading. It became clear to me that only such wishes can be fulfilled. When I landed on this beautiful island in the south of Cambodia (Koh Rong Sanloem – catch some of my island moments) between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, sat at the campfire and waited for my Nepalese buddy to join the midnight-ocean-swimming and the natural spectacle of the Glowing Plankton, I saw these two shooting stars. First one, my wish was immediately clear. Then the second and I repeated the same wish, because: Better safe than sorry.

„The lie of the shooting star – The experiment“ weiterlesen

The lie of the shooting star

How often do you see a falling star in the sky? Rarely, right. Unless it’s mid-August, you’re awake at night, the sky clear, cloudless and the Perseids* are raining. A meteor stream, also beautifully called the “Tears of Laurentius”, which annually in the first half of august shows a clear maximum of falling stars. But January is also rich in shooting stars with the Quadrantides*. The possibility, however, always exists, on every other day of the year. Only the chance varies.

„The lie of the shooting star“ weiterlesen