Note to myself: Get the fck out of my way!

Where to go? This question isn´t about travel destinations. It´s about life and even if you don´t know the answer one fact is: The direction is forward and to get there it´s about moving. Moving is what brings you forward. Standing still brings you nowhere. It´s not about the stillness, stillness brings you even beyond if it´s about the mind and working on it. Here it is about non-movement. Stagnation is a silent killer. And as much as I´m moving from A to B and from C to Z, doing this here and that there, I sometimes feel like stucked, like being captured in a cycle, moving somehow but not making it forward – rotating in that same cycle or let´s better call it: cyclus, because it feels like something that repeats itself. Nothing against cycli as the world and life itself is based on them. The menstruation is a cyclus, for example, which repeats itself every 28 days. The movement of the sun is a cyclus. There are a lot of cycli out there and around us. Well the routine of a cyclus helps to create things like life. It brings stability for development like evolution in the biggest case. That´s why this one isn´t against cycli at all.

But something against repetition.

Daily routine is repetition. That´s an easy thing to see. Doing the same things daily, weekly or annualy is not bringing you forward, except it is about train the mind, the muscles or about earning money which can bring you forward, depending the way you´d spend it. But even to build up this muscles it needs changements in the way you exercise aswell as in the quantity of weights. Stucked in the travel trap I feel like nothing is moving. Waking up in paradise with a feeling of unsatisfaction. Reflecting and analysising it is making me realise that the only one in my way is me myself because nothing or no one else does. Everything else needed like skills, knowledge, experiences and talent is in the game and in their combination a very good hand to play. The only one that is holding me back from playing it is myself.

The solution out of it is to break the habit of being oneself like breaking up with your pattern to transcendent these cycli our lifes are built up on. And even living this cycli gives us feelings of savety it brings us nowhere except down the road over and over and over again. Sure with it comes the stability that is needful to find stillness which is also important to grow. But as mentioned in the beginning this one isn´t against stillness. It´s much more about the thought of breaking the own patterns which might be the solution of moving on further more.

Today I feel like moving.
I feel like breaking through.
I feel like bored by my patterns.
And I can feel that changing habits is a hard piece of work.

But ready for that challenge.
Ready to do that work.
Ready to get myself out of that way.

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