How to become your own lucksmith – A 4-step strategy for happiness

Happiness is not something that can be bought. Happiness is clearly an in-house production. Happiness is homemade like jam from home-grown garden strawberries, which you first planted, then nurtured, cared for and watered, in order to later reap them happily and let your own fruits merrily melt on your tongue. It’s pretty much the same with happiness. That can be approached just as strategically. It can be planned and harvested like a fruit. You think strategy and happiness have nothing to do with each other, because one is super factual and the other completely opposite, namely emotional. Emotionality and rationality do not go hand in hand, you think. Misapprehension. Fortunately. Strategically, all you need to know is what ingredients you need to make the condition and then you can go into production:

Without the right attitude, nothing, nowhere, never works. That means, first of all, you have to make the decision to be happy: Yes, I want to be happy (happier) from now on. This is the mindset I choose for myself and I am ready to invest energy, time and thoughts. Because what you think is half the battle.

Base: Done!


The right environment helps immensely. Even if happiness is clearly to find IN you, your surroundings play a decisive role. Try to choose more consciously where, how and with whom you spend your time. Avoid negativity, pessimists and energy suckers. Feeling better in the green? Then go out and spend your free time right there. Buy a new houseplant or plant your balcony. Create your own oasis. Create your environment. Separate from what is not good for you and make room for what is good for you.


Set the focus on everything pleasing. Focusing on the negative won’t make you happy. Fact. Thoughts manifest themselves, so it is advisable to decide what to deal with. Every time you repeat a negative experience, you experience it and release the energy associated with it. The reason why you cry when telling stories or feel and communicate anger or rage in the same way. Sure, let it out and don’t swallow it, don’t misunderstand. Just don’t bathe in it. That’s the point. Don’t spoon the same soup over and over again. Being here & now is a great tool. Your doubts about the past and your worries about the future block receptivity to happiness. Needlessly. For neither the past nor what is to come exists in this moment, only the now is real. Then what’s the trouble? When you internalize that, then you realize of your own accord what it makes sense to invest your thoughts and energies in.


And this is not physicality, but rather your inwardness, which you carry outwards. That’s right, it’s about your vibe. Because that determines what surrounds you. Quite unconsciously. Simply explained: You make what you radiate more attractive. Magnetism. The law of attraction. That is the reason why as a football fan you get to know other scarf carriers and as a non-ball fan you don’t. Because like-mindedness attracts like-mindedness. Therefore, align your senses. This is like turning the antenna in the right direction. Adjust the radar, so to speak. Find what fills you and become a magnet. What is it that brightens your day, makes you laugh, flatters your mood, makes your soul dance? … make more of it! Allow an hour for this every day. Time for things for you. What do you mean, no time? Wrong. It´s not about having time, it´s about taking it! That’s the secret of this luxury good. And a question of priority. Of course.

Easy thing: Set prios, flip switches, magnetic mode: On!

In short: You are the blacksmith of your own happiness. No empty phrase. Truth!

So, light the fire and start forging. Pusch´ Your luck!

No one else does it for you. It’s your happiness, your job.

Literally, in the full sense of the word:

Good luck!